"A visual feast whilst at the same time a philosophical one, so great.
Much of the power is because you've let movement come from within the frame rather than showing off what the drone can do, love that!"
- Emily Harris - Film curator at Victoria and Albert museum, London.

Artist Shimon Wanda returns to his old school basketball court, transforming it to a stunning and colorful vision with portraits of Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan
"Giving back what I never got"
Edut Mekomit 2023 Eretz Israel Museum - Tel Aviv
02:00 minutes / With sound (Artlist)
Filmed for B.G Bond of Ashtrom Group

Thousands of Terns following a Tractor during fish farm feeding in fantastic formations.
2023, Aerial Timelapse
Tmunat Teva #6 Eretz Israel Museum - Opens June 20th 2023, Tel Aviv

Flock of sheep, from winter pasture to the movement and arrival at the summer pasture. The size of the flock ranges from 1000-1700 sheep
2021, Viral Aerial Timelapse
01:13 minutes / With sound

Tmunat Teva #6 Eretz Israel Museum - Opens June 20th 2023, Tel Aviv
Migrating Pelicans mega colony during an alternative feed of unmarketable Fish in a large water reservoir, in an attempt to keep them away from commercial fish pools
2021, Aerial Video
03:59 minutes / With sound (Artist)

Taunt Teva #5 Eretz Israel Museum - 2021 TEL AVIV
Layer of thousands of black Kites circling above a municipal domestic landfill
2021, Aerial Video
Curator's Award
06:46 minutes / No sound

Tmunat Teva #6 Eretz Israel Museum, Tel Aviv 2023

1st Prize - Nature and Environment category - Singles - "Local Testimony/World Press" - Eretz Israel Museum - Tel Aviv 2019/2020
1st Prize - Nature and Environment category - Series - "Local Testimony/World Press" - Midtown complex - Tel Aviv 2020/2021